JUVENTUS - CEO Arrivabene and the truth about Dybala renewal

Juventus and Paulo Dybala. A very long negotiation for the renewal and with an absolutely uncertain outcome. In the long interview with Corriere dello Sport, Juventus CEO Maurizio Arrivabene tried to explain the situation regarding the Argentinian ace.
Did the agreement exist in the fall?
"True. The figures you recently reported are the correct ones ”.
Then things changed.
"Last winter there was the €400 million capital increase, which was used to adjust the accounts, not for the market, in addition we were waiting for the half-yearly report, consequently new valuations were necessary which can be summarized in the four parameters: technical aspect, the number of actual appearances, the duration of the contract and the economic value attributable to the individual player ".
Is it true that on December 17 you had morally freed Dybala?
"On the day of the last contact with the agent, I don't remember the exact date, but it was mid-December, to the question" can we be free? ", I answered yes, but only because I could not close the operation at that moment. It was an act of extreme honesty".
Is a lower offer ready?
“Let's see what Paulo looks like, nothing is decided. You have to believe me”.